Reasearch areas
Currently, I am a Ph.D. fellow at the Inria research center of Paris, registered at Sorbonne University (Paris VI). The subject of my thesis is “Collaborative crowdsensing at the Edge” (for the purpose of Smart Cities monitoring), under the supervision of Dr. Valérie Issarny (HDR) and Dr. Françoise Sailhan.
I received my Master of Science degree in “Advanced Communication Networks (Computer Science)” from University of Paris-Saclay (a joint program of Ecole Polytechnique and Telecom Paristech, France) in 2017. I also obtained my engineer diploma in “Network Architecture and Security (Information Communication Technology)” in 2016, from ESIGELEC (France). China conferred my Bachelor of Science degree in “Information and Computing Science (Applied Mathematics)” at Beihang University in 2014.
Before coming to Inria, I worked in the “Epizeuxis” networking research group (computer science laboratory) at Ecole Polytechnique (France) for one year, on the research topic of simulation and medium access control for LoRaWAN (Long Range Wide Area Networks).