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Ambiciti App & Platform: Monitoring the Exposure to Environmental Pollution


Is your exposure to noise too high on certain days? How is air pollution in your street? Will air quality improve in the next hours? Do you want to measure the noise pollution on the way between your home and your office? What pollution levels are considered harmful for your health? Ambiciti (previously SoundCity) provides answers to these questions and many others through dedicated Apps and Platforms that leverage Inria research results in the area of mobile distributed systems (from MiMove team) and data assimilation (from Inria CLIME team). The Ambiciti app is available for download on both the App and the Play stores. Starting December 2016, the Ambiciti software solutions are licensed to the Ambiciti start-up.
The Ambiciti platform is developed in collaboration with the Inria CLIME team together with The Civic Engine and the NUMTECH SMEs in the context of CityLab@Inria and Inria@SiliconValley, and with the support of the EIT Digital Env&You activity.

